Blue Mountain Cards

Blue Mountain Cards
Blue Mountain Cards

What is Blue Mountain Cards? Back in the 90's there was a huge rush of companies trying to provide online ecard services. I'm not sure exactly how they built a business model on the idea of giving away a free ecard, but they did. What you must remember is that advertising revenue models were seen as very acceptable back then. This is a difference with today's focus on real revenue. However, there are some painful similarities in web 2.0 to this idea of building big applications that will make money only from advertising.

The ecard space is a funny one. The business model is essentially one where you are killing another business model, the paper greeting cards space. In some ways it's a normal case study of technology advancement over a paper based product. But you should look deeper. An ecard is not the same thing as a paper card. You buy a paper card at a store and physically write on it. Electronic cards are bought online and never touch paper. In this way, it's a real product transition. So in essence, the technology is really impacted the very product. This is not unique, just look at tvs, video games or any other electronic based market.

Blue Mountain Cards

Finally, companies like Blue Mountain cards are really coming up with innovative designs in their electronic cards. You should see some of the more recent animation and art that is available, often for free. In an electronic medium, they can do things that simply can't be done in a standard greeting card. I've seen some recently that have really surprised me. The production quality is great, at least from the high-end companies.

In the end, the times are changing and everything is becoming more digital. Greeting cards are no exception. If you are clinging to old thoughts about how to express yourself to someone, give it up and consider an ecard next time. Simply visit the Blue Mountain cards site or Google ecards and you will find many options.

Blue Mountain Cards

Blue Mountain Cards

Blue Mountain Cards

Blue Mountain Cards

Blue Mountain Cards

Blue Mountain Cards
Blue Mountain Cards


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