Card Designs For Anniversary

Card Designs For Anniversary
Card Designs For Anniversary

Remember carving your initials and your crush's initials into a tree during summer camp? Consider bringing back the trend with your 6-month anniversary card! You can use a dark glittered glue pen, print out your initials with a plus symbol and then your partner's initials then draw a large heart around it. This would look really cute on a simple square card.

Card Designs For Anniversary

Other simple 1st anniversary gifts include giving an anniversary card. To make the gift more special you can make her a fantastic anniversary card yourself. You can also present the couple with two tickets to an exotic and romantic weekend getaway. These will be the perfect anniversary gift ideas as the couples can spend time with each other on this special day. If you cannot afford this you can just give them tickets of a movie or a concert which they will truly enjoy.

Card Designs For Anniversary

Card Designs For Anniversary

Card Designs For Anniversary

Card Designs For Anniversary

Card Designs For Anniversary

Card Designs For Anniversary
Card Designs For Anniversary


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