Cards Spread

Cards Spread
Cards Spread

Tarot card reading instructions for the three card spread are not difficult. After the deck has been shuffled, three cards will be chosen for this spread. Lay the cards side by side beginning with the first card to your left, the second card in the center position and the third card on your right. The card that you place on the left is the card that holds information regarding past experiences. This card hold the information regarding what has happened in the past that led to the situation that is at hand.

Cards Spread

Tarot card spreads, also called layouts, can range from 1 card to more than a single deck. Each different type of spread carries it own special characteristics and divination powers. While there are many standardized Tarot card spreads, it is not uncommon for readers to develop special layouts for their own use. These are adjustments that readers make to better attune themselves to their readings. We can't possibly look at all Tarot card spreads, but we can use a common one to understand layouts better. To become familiar with Tarot card spreads, we will look at the Celtic Cross.

Cards Spread

The benefit of using a multi-card spread is that each card can play off the others. You get to see a much bigger picture. You get a sense of past playing into future and what might be affecting the outcomes heading your way.

Cards Spread

Cards Spread

Cards Spread

Cards Spread

Cards Spread
Cards Spread


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