Cards In A Deck

Cards In A Deck
Cards In A Deck

The effect here is just what it sounds like. A deck of cards changes colors. This has a stunning effect on any audience, and it makes a great opener (or closer). It is usually accomplished by using one or more odd colored cards, which are shown repeatedly in such a way as to create the illusion that you are displaying most or all of the cards in the deck.

Cards In A Deck

The alleged mechanism of evolution is genetic mutation. Mutations are copying errors in the DNA. The DNA molecule is composed of millions of nucleotide base pairs arranged in an exact orderly sequence. You can think of DNA as a deck of cards and the base pairs as the individual cards in the deck.

Cards In A Deck

Cards In A Deck

Cards In A Deck

Cards In A Deck
Cards In A Deck

Cards In A Deck
Cards In A Deck


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