Card Suits Spade
The Ace card of each of the four suits is the root card of that suit, carrying strong individual traits related to their suit. For example, the Ace of Hearts calls for love, friendship, and happiness in the home. When the Ace of hearts falls next to another heart, it calls for a new friendship to appear. When it falls between two heart cards, it predicts a strong love affair for the client. When the Ace of hearts falls between two diamond cards, it predicts a windfall of money and riches. And when it falls between two spade cards, it predicts quarrels and squabbles for the client. The Ace of Diamonds by itself predicts money or a communication for the client. In addition, when this Ace falls next to the eight of Clubs, it calls for a business proposal to come your way. The Ace of Spades by itself calls for emotional conflict, or a bad love affair. It can also predict Death to someone close to you. However, when this Ace falls with the King of Clubs, it predicts involvement with a Politician; when it falls next to the Ten of Spades, it predicts a serious job or undertaking on your part. Lastly, when the Ace of Spades falls with the four of Hearts, it predicts a new birth for someone close to you.

Deuces and jokers are wild cards, while all other cards are considered natural. Wild cards in the standard game can be used to substitute for natural cards of any value. Each player participating will be dealt a pile of cards face up and a pile of cards face down. Like most games, including the Spades card game, the player on the left of the dealer will have the first turn. Going clockwise, players will draw a card from the stockpile and add it to their own face down pile without revealing what they have collected. They will then discard one card facing up for other players to see. This is where the challenge lies in Canasta because players can see what you are giving up but they cannot see what you are gaining.

Card Suits Spade
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