Cards Straight
A player holding the ace of spades, clubs, and diamonds would have three of a kind. This brings us to the straight. A straight is five cards in a row. The best straight would be the 10, jack, queen, king, and ace of varying suits. The ace can be used as a low card for straight as well. Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5 would be a straight. Straights do not wrap! Jack, queen, king, ace, 2 is not a straight. Flushes beat a straight. A flush would be five cards of the same suit. If you have five spades you have a flush. The full house beats the flush. A full house would be the ace of spades, hearts, and clubs and the five of clubs and diamonds. Four of a kind beats the full house. The ace of spades, hearts, clubs, and diamonds would be four of a kind. Finally we have the straight flush. The straight flush, as the name implies, would be a straight in the same suit. 2,3,4,5,6 of spades is a straight flush. 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace of spades would be the best straight flush in the game, also known as a royal flush.

You say to yourself "What an amazing coincidence, someone shuffled a deck and the cards all came out in perfect flush order." In fact you are so amazed that when you get home you try and calculate the odds of getting a 52 card straight flush by shuffling a deck of cards over and over.

Cards Straight
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