Cards On Fire
Is your friend borrowing one of your favorite DS games? Are you tired of searching frantically through your messy pile of games for the one you want to play? If you're tired of these inconveniences, then you should consider getting a Nintendo DS Fire Card. This handy little device will allow you to have immediate access to all of your DS games. By inserting the card, you'll be able to play whichever game you want without having to waste time looking for it or pressuring your friend to return yours.

If you've had the unpleasant experience of having to use an external memory system like FlashMe or PassMe, you won't have to worry about it with an NDS Fire Card. Once you have the games transferred over to the card from the DS Fire Link, all you have to do is slide the card into Slot 1 on your DS for instant gameplay. No other pieces of equipment are required to be able to play your games.

The Fire Card DS only requires one additional piece, which is a DS Fire Link. However, the Fire Link is only used to download and transfer your games onto the Fire Card. Once this is completed, you won't have to carry the Fire Link around with you. All you will need is the card itself in order to have immediate access to all of your games. This makes for a much better storage system than one in which you need to have an external memory system as well.

Cards On Fire
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