Cards Deck

Cards Deck
Cards Deck

Have you ever wondered where a deck of playing cards from or the meaning behind them? A deck of cards is more than just a way to play fun games. A deck of cards has meaning behind it and is actually quite interesting to learn about. From the basic construction of the cards to the deep meaning of the symbols, a deck of playing cards is an interesting thing.

Cards Deck

This was not a new tactic. The deck of cards idea was first used in the Civil War and was also given to soldiers in the two great world wars. The 24 hour cable news networks that we have today were probably responsible for making the Iraq cards so popular. The idea was soiled somewhat when the lefties made a deck of cards with George Bush as the ace of spades and his advisers and other republican leaders as the remaining deck.

Cards Deck

Cards Deck

Cards Deck

Cards Deck

Cards Deck

Cards Deck
Cards Deck


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